
To scaffold an app using create-expo-stack, run any of the following commands and answer the command prompt questions:


npm create expo-stack


yarn create expo-stack


pnpm create expo-stack


bun create expo-stack

After your app has been initialized, be sure to follow any instructions outputed by the CLI. Additionally, please take note of the output project configuration as you can run the command highlighted to speed up your next project’s initialization, using CES’ non-interactive mode. Furthermore, the output should be provided in any issue you open for CES.


The following would scaffold a CES app with Expo Router, NativeWind, and Bun:


npm create expo-stack --expo-router --nativewind --bun


bun create expo-stack myapp --expo-router --nativewind --bun

Advanced Usage


-d, --defaultBypass the CLI and initialize an empty Expo project
--npmSelects npm to be your project’s package manager
--yarnSelects yarn to be your project’s package manager
--pnpmSelects pnpm to be your project’s package manager
--bunSelects bun to be your project’s package manager
--no-gitDo not initialize a new git repo in the project
--no-installGenerate project without installing dependencies
--import-aliasEnable TypeScript path aliases
--expo-routerUse Expo Router for navigation, stack navigator by default
--react-navigationUse React Navigation for navigation, stack navigator by default
--tabsUse a Tab navigator (pass with either Expo Router or React Navigation flag)
--drawerUse a Drawer navigator (pass with either Expo Router or React Navigation flag)
--firebaseUse Firebase for authentication, initial configuration only
--supabaseUse Supabase for authentication, initial configuration only
--vexo-analyticsUse Vexo Analytics for analytics, initial configuration only
--nativewindUse Nativewind for styling
--unistylesUse Unistyles for styling
--tamaguiUse Tamagui for styling
--restyleUse Restyle for styling
--stylesheetUse StyleSheet for styling, used by default
--i18nextUse i18next for internationalization
-i, --igniteInitialize an opinionated starter using Infinite Red’s Ignite